
Health News

New Drug Baxdrostat May Help Fight Treatment-Resistant Hypertension

In a new study published this week in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers studied if a new medication could help people with high blood pressure (hypertension).

In the phase II trial, the drug called baxdrostat reduced hypertension in patients whose condition was not fixed by other forms of treatment.

The drug is designed to block the production of aldosterone – a key hormonal contributor to hypertension – by blocking the enzyme that creates it.

The research was funded by CinCor Pharma which makes Baxdrostat.

Understanding healthy and unhealthy blood pressure

Blood pressureTrusted Source is a measurement of both systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

The systolic measurement is the amount of pressure the blood puts against artery walls as your heart beats.

Diastolic is how much pressure the blood puts on artery walls in between each heartbeat.

A healthy blood pressure reading is defined as anything lower than 120/80 or 120 mm Hg systolic/ 80 mm Hg diastolic.

High blood pressure starts at 130 or higher mm Hg systolic and over 80mm Hg diastolic. High blood pressure can put you at risk for a host of including stroke, heart attack or vision loss,

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